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"Hard Fought Hallelujah"


I want to stop here and include a shameless plug for knowing the symptoms of T1D! A lot of people, kids and adults alike, get misdiagnosed or have a scary diagnosis because the symptoms were unknown. Weight loss, frequent thirst and urination, fatigue, and feeling weak are the most common signs!

November is Diabetes Awareness month, and November 14th is World Diabetes Day. A day to celebrate and honor those who live every day with diabetes. As I sit and reflect on my 12 years as a Type One Diabetic, I am left with a true sense of hope.

I was diagnosed with T1D on December 19, 2011. My parents played a huge role in noticing the symptoms early, causing for me to have a less traumatic diagnosis story. They noticed I was losing weight rapidly (12 lbs in 3 days), I was drinking water constantly, I was lethargic, and honestly truly ill. My mom even mentions that I had the fruity smell on my breath of high blood sugar. My parents had me tested, and 3 hours later I was in the hospital learning my new normal!

Normal is how it feels now. Constantly checking my blood sugars. Calculating carbs in my meals and doing quick math to determine how much insulin I need to cover it. Ensuring that I have enough low snacks and supplies on me in case I need them. But when I really think about my new normal, I realize it is a gift.

If I didn't have diabetes, I would have a lot less sleepless nights.

If I didn't have diabetes, I wouldn't have a stash of fruit snacks in every bag, room, car, etc....

If I didn't have diabetes, I wouldn't have lost several friends to this disease.

If I didn't have diabetes, I wouldn't be so scared to go to sleep some nights.

If I didn't have diabetes, I wouldn't face days where my body is working in overtime so hard that I can barely keep my eyes open.

If I didn't have diabetes, my travel bags would be 5 lbs lighter from the lack of supplies I take with me.

If I didn't have diabetes, I wouldn't have to think twice about buying that dress I love because I'm thinking about where I would put my pump and Dexcom.


If I didn't have diabetes, I wouldn't know what it looks like to live life to the fullest.

If I didn't have diabetes, I wouldn't have been as aware at such a young age of God's abundant grace and kindness.

If I didn't have diabetes, I wouldn't have Camp Sweeney, or the multitude of friends it has blessed me with.

If I didn't have diabetes, I wouldn't know how important it is to love others to the fullest, every day.

If I didn't have diabetes, I wouldn't be me.

This disease is no doubt the biggest burden I have ever faced. It is taxing on my mind, body, and spirit. However, it's also the thing that has simply brought me closer to the feet of Jesus. There is not a single day that I do not wake up as a type one diabetic anymore. There's no timeouts, or breaks, or vacations from this chain. But there is hope.

Hope in a God so loving, He promises eternity free of disease. Hope in a God who is a chain breaker. Brandon Lakes recently came out with a song titled, "Hard Fought Hallelujah." I cried the first time I listened to it.

If I can pray for anything over my life, it is that I allow this burden to only point people to our Savior. My cup runneth over. My soul has learned to be still. My heart knows it is well.

Thank God for Type One Diabetes showing me that the battle really does belong to the Lord. My hands are tied to this disease, but yet they are lifted high- from diagnosis until the day I get to meet the Chain Breaker face to face.

No matter what you face in life, our Father is here to walk with you through it. You are not alone! Keep on keeping on,


1 Comment

Nov 14, 2024

Amazing testimony I believe many including my family have learned how to gracefully deal with T1D ( grandson) by reading and watching your health habits, and how to of living life big , Jesus take the wheel! Amen and thank you ! ❤️🙏🙏


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